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Abdullah serves as the CEO of The Strategists where he leads a world class team that play an active role in assisting companies and organisations craft competitive future strategies and innovation. He is also senior faculty at GIBS, head of faculty for strategy,sustainability and digital and head of the Harvard Business School Senior Executive Programme for Africa

Abdullah Verachia is a highly regarded and sought after global strategist and advisor known for his expertise in helping companies navigate complexity, disruption, and change. With significant expertise in strategy, innovation, and disruption, Abdullah facilitates numerous high-level strategy sessions and breakaways for companies and governments, and is an authoritative speaker on the world stage regarding these matters.

He has served in senior executive and board roles, led teams that have crafted competitive strategies for some of the leading companies globally, lectured at some of the top business schools,and also co-founded several disruptive companies


  • Reset the now steep into the next 
  • Reset, Rewire and Reimagine Everything  Relevance, agility and adaptability 
  • Disruption, disintermediation and digital: Engaging the future 
  • Reimagine everything: Innovation, creativity and the art of exponentiality
  • Making sense of the noise: The hashtags that will shift our year and the so what and now what. A powerful look at the political, socio-economic, technological and business trends that will impact our year and beyond
  • Thinking exponentially – Building the mindset that will get you to navigate an exponential world
  • Beyond the headlines:  A real view on South Africa 


  • Reset the now steep into the next 
  • Reset, Rewire and Reimagine Everything  Relevance, agility and adaptability 
  • Disruption, disintermediation and digital: Engaging the future 
  • Reimagine everything: Innovation, creativity and the art of exponentiality
  • Making sense of the noise: The hashtags that will shift our year and the so what and now what. A powerful look at the political, socio-economic, technological and business trends that will impact our year and beyond
  • Thinking exponentially – Building the mindset that will get you to navigate an exponential world
  • Beyond the headlines:  A real view on South Africa

Selected for the Brightest Young Minds in South Africa Awarded Harvard Business School Dean’s Scholarship for leadership and innovation Recipient of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 GIBS Excellence in Teaching Award for executive education and academic programmes, as voted by staff and students Presented with the 15-year Excellence Award for contributions made towards and development of the Model United Nations Made an honorary member of the Golden Key International Honour Society
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Abdullah Verachia
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