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Get yourself a Greenlight culture!

Too many leaders and teams struggle with too low engagement, too many misunderstandings, and too low output. They have a “Read light” culture. It is energy-draining and the opposite of a fun and creative workplace. 

 Antoni Lacinai is a global keynote speaker and executive communication coach. He inspires and educates conscious leaders and teams who strive for a collaborative, engaging, and motivating workplace. With his keynotes and coaching, he can help you transform your leaders and teams, and elevate your “Greenlight” culture and communication, making you more successful, profitable, and productive. Since he has a long background in sales and marketing, he also brings in the importance of customer focused communication. In essence: You get the colleagues and customers you deserve!

 To date, he has written and co-written 14 books and hundreds of columns and articles. He is a regular columnist in various magazines and is often interviewed on Swedish national TV. He was nominated as “The international speaker of the year” in Finland in 2022. In2019 he came in 3rd place at the Swedish Championship of Storytelling, and he has also been voted one of the most popular speakers in Sweden in the last five years. His TEDx talk has been an inspiration to more than 300,000 viewers

Antoni lives in Sweden where he loves to create illustrations for his keynotes, songs for his friends, and business blueprints for his customers.



-   Master class and workshops on:

o   How to give memorable presentations – presentation skills

o   How to communicate as a leader – conversation excellence

o   How to meet, greet and treat your customers – world class customer communication

o   How to lead engaging, effective meetings

o   How to set meaningful goals and boost motivation

o   How to get 200 ideas in 2 days  - creative workshop

-   Master class and workshops on:

o   How to give memorable presentations – presentation skills

o   How to communicate as a leader – conversation excellence

o   How to meet, greet and treat your customers – world class customer communication

o   How to lead engaging, effective meetings

o   How to set meaningful goals and boost motivation

o   How to get 200 ideas in 2 days  - creative workshop

TEDx speaker in Finland 2017. Rated top 100 most popular speaker in Sweden 2016, 2020, 2021. Board member at National Speakers Association, Swedish chapter. 3rd place in the unofficial Swedish championship of storytelling 2019. Nominated as International speaker of the year 2021.
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Antoni Lacinai
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Antoni Lacinai
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