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A life-long artist, writer and “corporate creative”, Fiona’s interest in the promise of AI was sparked during her business masters' AI concentration. She advises corporate teams in AI Integration Strategy, gives regular webinars about ChatGPT and Midjourney and AI-Human Co-Creation workshops for communications professionals.

Fiona Passantino is a 2023 UK Business Book award-winning author of the Comic Books for Executives series. After a long career in communications working for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, she is now an Engagement, Culture and Communication Specialist, keynote speaker, facilitator and executive coach, helping leaders and teams in complex organisations.

A life-long artist, writer and “corporate creative”, Fiona’s interest in the promise of AI was sparked during her business masters which featured an AI concentration. She advises corporate teams in its use and integration, gives monthly webinars about ChatGPT and MidJourney co-creation for communications professionals.

Fiona a frequent speaker, trainer, facilitator and blogger. She is the host of the podcast “Post-Covid Leadership Advice”. Her weekly radio show for Dutch BuZz is the “Future of Work”.

The Business Insider - Vodaphone TechTalk - the future of AI and the convergence of three megatrends: AGI, Quantum Computing and Robotics, and how this will give rise to a new form of non-Human intelligence that will, hopefully, help us with our current global personnel shortages. 

Employee Engagement,



AI Integration,



Workplace Culture,

Business Transformation

AI-Integration Strategy for Communication Professionals a 90-minute introduction to ChatGPT and MidJourney for Working Teams ChatGPT is set to superpower our written communication and content development strategies. MidJourney, one of a number of next-level AI-powered text-to-image generators, can make presentations, training materials, onboarding, content creation and internal messages visually stunning and on-point. Whether you’re a seasoned communications practitioner, leader or starter, you will likely need to start integrating visual AI into your teams and workflows. AI Integration is a workflow that deals with assessment, upskilling awareness, learning the basics and building a strategic roadmap. This intensive online course will pull apart the pieces of what AI-Integration looks like for busy professionals so that you will be able to take your first steps towards your own strategic roadmap. We will examine the tools, understand how they work, what they can and can’t do, and where all this might be heading in the years to come.

Midjourney Integration for AI-Powered Visual Communication ChatGPT is set to superpower our communication and content development. But what about our visual communication? MidJourney is one of a number of next-level AI-powered text-to-image generators, which, when used correctly, can make your presentations, training materials, onboarding, content creation and internal comms visually stunning and on-point. We’re empowered to become illustrators, designers and storytellers at the highest level, if wetake the first steps and learn to use these new tools. As a professional communicator, leader or content creator, you will likely need to start integrating visual AI into your teams and workflows. MidJourney is a complex system to set up and use effectively. Together, we will take our first look a timage generating AI to see what it can and cannot do, understand where it is best applied in your context and roadmap an integration journey and format that’s right for you. The format can be 1:1 Executive Coaching, Group training, Workshops and Keynote events.

High Visibility Leadership: Digital Content Creation for Professionals From TikTok to long-form thought leadership articles, Reels to Cards, business podcasting and masterclass webinars, understanding and mastering the digital media landscape is no longer a “nice-to-have” but an essential skill in today’s workplace. As a leader, you’re expected to have a professional profile that displays mastery of our digital media platforms. As an expert in your subject area, you show a robust Social Media presence, publish periodic thought leadership, speak at events in your field and communicate meaningfully with your teams across globe, from the headquarter offices to the factory floor. But how do you do this the end of abusy day of back-to-back work? Becoming a High Visibility Leaders is a combination of mindset and methodology. Generating great, sharable content for today’s digital platforms is a practice of daily, consistent habits that can be learned and incorporated into your routine without adding more hours to your day. Learn to engage digitally. Create the right kind of content onto the right social streams in the right way. How and when to publish, what to publish, how often and where. The format can be 1:1 Executive Coaching, Group training, Workshops and Keynote events.

Engage, Connect, Inspire your teams: a Roadmap for Leaders Engagement is about bringing our best selves to work, working together to inspire, inform and connect working teams. Companies with high employee engagement are 21% more profitable, report 41% lower absenteeism, are more likely to stay with a company and, most importantly, provide better customer service . Improving employee engagement and company culture, communication, are a result of small incremental shifts in mindset and practice that, over time, add up to a full experiential transformation. Particularly for organizations recovering from the effects of disruption and change. Together, we work on Building Collaborative Cultures; learning to make communication about a conversation. We learn to set up a culture of strategic joy and laughter, flow, balance and infusing purpose into everything we do. Rebuild engagement, retain and attract talent. The format can be 1:1 Executive Coaching, Group training, Workshops and Keynote events.

UK Business Book Awards Finalist 2023 for “Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” Best Practice Educational Media Stichting Volkshogeschoolwerk Best Online Professional Educational Content European Commission MEDEA Award Year of Learning European Commission “DEVA” Award, ACCESS-IT Awards Learning Abilitynet UK Webby eLearning Design and Concept Adult Professional
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