Josh Allan Dykstra is a recognized thought leader on the future of work and company culture design. He teaches audiences how to create more impact and experience more wellbeing at the same time. As a musician-turned-tech founder, Josh offers a refreshing perspective on “HR,” inspiring influential leaders to think bigger, challenge the status quo, and create a better future for everyone they lead. Over the past two decades, Josh has served a client list of companies that collectively employ over a million people. Josh is the CEO of #lovework, and his articles and ideas have been featured by Fast Company, Forbes, The Huffington Post, and Business Insider. He holds an MBA in Executive Leadership from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and his latest book, Igniting the Invisible Tribe: Designing An Organization That Doesn’t Suck, is available on Amazon and Audible.
How To Navigate BIG Change: A.I., Gen Z, Hybrid Teams, & More!
Big change is unavoidable. Emerging generations have different expectations of work, hybrid teams are becoming normal, and A.I. seems to be eating the world…! How do we stay productive in this kind of world? In this entertaining and educational session, Josh will take you on a thrilling journey from the past to the future to unlock fresh insights that will help you navigate change with less stress, more energy, and increased effectiveness.
In this session your group will learn:
• 3 strategies to maximize teamwork in a hybrid world
• 4 powerful archetypes that explain generational needs
• 2 horrible mistakes to avoid when navigating change
3 Ways To Create Innovative People Ops In The World Of A.I.
A drastically new future seems to inch closer with every new release of ChatGPT… but how innovative are your organization’s HR practices? Do you have quality people data? Have you built scalable self-managing teams? Is psychological safety embedded everywhere? This practical and inspirational session will teach you exactly how to do just that.
In this session your group will learn:
• The 3 people data points you actually need to track & measure
• The 2 simple principles that enable more self-management
• The 3 behaviors great leaders do to create psychological safety
RTO vs WFH: How To Be At Your Best, Wherever Work Happens
At first it was WFH: yay! Then RTO: backlash. Now it’s: whether we like it or not, hybrid and remote ways of working are here to stay. This timely and informative session will teach you the predictable and consistent ways to always bring out the best in yourself and your teams, no matter where or how you’re working together.
In this session your group will learn:
• How to reallocate team work based on flow states, even virtually
• The 3 items you need to distribute decision making effectively
• The step-by-step process Zappos used to create cohesive values