Martin Laschkolnig is the founder and director of the “Institut fur Potentialentwicklung” (Institute for the Development of Potential) in Linz, Austria. He is a Past President of the German Speakers Association, served 2022-23 as President of the Global Speakers Federation and has over the past 20 years been a highly inspirational speaker and trainer to audiences on 4 continents from San Diego to South Africa, from Costa Rica to the Himalayas and across Europe.
He is an expert for motivation, self-esteem, confidence and inner peace and how these affect leaders, their teams and the performance of people and enterprises. Combining an economic education and entrepreneurial background for more than 30 years with years of studies in Buddhist Philosophy and Theory of Perception with Tibetan monks in India led to a new and different approach to view and solve our problems.
Since 2003 Martin Laschkolnig is presentative of the International Council for Self-Esteem in Austria. The Council is a worldwide not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of the importance of self-esteem and self-confidence for everyone in our societies, from infants to adults, in schools, families and the business world.
He created several programs like “Serenity in Leadership – with 5 Steps to Self-motivated Employees“ which help companies to create an environment in the enterprise that allows for maximum confidence among employees. This has advantages not only for the employees but makes a lot of economic sense as well. Studies have shown that this will lead to an engaged workforce with a high emotional bonding to the company, less sick leaves and absences, lower error and accident rates, increased retention of employees AND customers and the closing rate goes up.
His latest programs are addressing how to maintain serenity in a more and more turbulent and unpredictable world while still achieve success and get the important stuff done. “Serenity in Leadership” shows practical and simple approaches to be a more effective leader in leading yourself and others when change is immanent and unavoidable. It’s amazing how effective one can become when one stops resisting life and how to get into being carried by the flow of life and deals with letting go of drama and stress and moving from (even deep) crisis into inner peace not only in theory but also using a simple process that can be integrated in everyone’s daily life.
OTHER TOPICS: Serenity, Leadership, Engagement, Mindfulness, Meditation, Stress Management, Peak Performance, Motivation, Inspiration, Self-Esteem, Confidence
ON SITE PROGRAMS: ++Serenity in Leadership in Turbulent Times ++-------------------------------------------------------------- Change, digitalization, agility, economic and global political uncertainty…. no stone is left unturned. How do we prepare ourselves for the future? And most importantly, what can we do NOW? People want/need an environment that inspires and motivates. The immediate supervisor or team leader makes a significant contribution to whether employees are just present or are committed to making the company’s vision come true. How can a leader maintain serenity and confidence under such pressure? There are 5 steps needed to build such an environment – in this presentation you will learn which ones and how to implement them with your team – for a work climate that attracts new professionals and retains existing ones. “Money is not a motivating factor – a serene and inspiring leader even more so!” ++ Serenity in Times of Crisis ++----------------------------------------- It’s not hard to see that the world is in crisis – information cycles are getting shorter and more demanding by the day, and two years of pandemic, political unrest, and a war on top of that make it very hard to stay calm and composed. All this is already difficult to cope with, even if everything works in your own life. Add to that a personal crisis, and it’s not hard to understand why so many people are frustrated, stressed, or even depressed. Life is not easy at the moment. So how is it that there seem to be people who bounce back more easily than others, or people who can remain calm and resilient even in difficult situations? Martin talks about what it takes to stay calm even when life is kicking up a storm. Simple changes in mindset and very practical techniques to help re-center yourself and regain your composure – at work and at home. An inspiring, in-depth, yet entertaining talk on how to deal with the daily stressors we all experience and what to do practically (and quickly) when life seems to serve us up more than we can handle in the moment. ++ How to Tame Your Inner Critic – and Thrive in Uncertain Times ++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turn your inner critic into a coach and find the source of inner strength. That way, you’ll take the next steps with confidence. What would be possible if self-sabotage patterns fell away? Live fulfilled, work enthusiastically! Because – before you can lead others, you must first lead yourself! “Event sharpen, but your reaction decides what comes out of it!” ++ Mastering Crisis –Reducing Stress Instead of Piling It Up ++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stress and hectic is something we all have. Learn here a surprisingly simple technique, becoming more widely known as EFT or meridian tapping, that can help us reclaim our mental space and resolve stress, often in minutes. What would it be worth if you or your team were more relaxed going into the next pitch, negotiation or big presentation? This lecture is pure interaction and practical application. “Do you want to be right, or happy? Both? What if only one oft hose two things is possible?” ++ Moving Mountains Together ++ --------------------------------------------The challenge is not anymore how to attract talent - more than ever we live in an employee market in Europe, America and Asia. So what can you do to build an environment that will keep your workforce engaged and motivate them to achieve even greater things? You can’t buy innovation, creativity and employee commitment; a company has to earn them. Together with your employees, create a culture that allows you to move mountains together 5 specific steps are needed to create such an environment – and the exciting thing is that this is not a matter of money. In this presentation, suitable for managers and employees alike, you will learn how to implement them in your company.
++ Serenity in Leadership in Turbulent Times ++-------------------------------------------------------------- Change, digitalization, agility, economic and global political uncertainty…. no stone is left unturned. How do we prepare ourselves for the future? And most importantly, what can we do NOW? People want/need an environment that inspires and motivates. The immediate supervisor or team leader makes a significant contribution to whether employees are just present or are committed to making he company’s vision come true. How can a leader maintain serenity and confidence under such pressure? There are 5 steps needed to build such an environment – in this presentation you will learn which ones and how to implement them with your team – for a work climate that attracts new professionals and retains existing ones. “Money is not a motivating factor – a serene and inspiring leader even more so!” ++ Serenity in Times of Crisis ++----------------------------------------- It’s not hard to see that the world is in crisis – information cycles are getting shorter and more demanding by the day, and two years of pandemic, political unrest, and a war on top of that make it very hard to stay calm and composed. All this is already difficult to cope with, even if everything works in your own life. Add to that a personal crisis, and it’s not hard to understand why so many people are frustrated, stressed, or even depressed. Life is not easy at the moment. So how is it that there seem to be people who bounce back more easily than others, or people who can remain calm and resilient even in difficult situations? Martin talks about what it takes to stay calm even when life is kicking up a storm. Simple changes in mindset and very practical techniques to help re-center yourself and regain your composure – at work and at home. An inspiring, in-depth, yet entertaining talk on how to deal with the daily stressors we all experience and what to do practically (and quickly) when life seems to serve us up more than we can handle in the moment. ++ How to Tame Your Inner Critic – and Thrive in Uncertain Times ++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turn your inner critic into a coach and find the source of inner strength. That way, you’ll take the next steps with confidence. What would be possible if self-sabotage patterns fell away? Live fulfilled, work enthusiastically! Because – before you can lead others, you must first lead yourself! “Event sharpen, but your reaction decides what comes out of it!” ++ Mastering Crisis –Reducing Stress Instead of Piling It Up ++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stress and hectic is something we all have. Learn here a surprisingly simple technique, becoming more widely known as EFT or meridian tapping, that can help us reclaim our mental space and resolve stress, often in minutes. What would i be worth if you or your team were more relaxed going into the next pitch, negotiation or big presentation? This lecture is pure interaction and practical application. “Do you want to be right, or happy? Both? What if only one of those two things is possible?” ++ Moving Mountains Together ++-------------------------------------------- The challenge is not anymore how to attract talent - more than ever we live in an employee market in Europe, America and Asia. So what can you do to build an environment that will keep your workforce engaged and motivate them to achieve even greater things? You can’t buy innovation, creativity and employee commitment; a company has to earn them. Together with your employees, create a culture that allows you to move mountains together 5 specific steps are needed to create such an environment –and the exciting thing is that this is not a matter of money. In this presentation, suitable for managers and employees alike, you will learn how to implement them in your company.